Search results for: technology

Latamways Presents at UTN San Francisco Science and Technology Conference: A Focus on Innovation, Knowledge Economy, and Career Opportunities

Published on September 27, 2023, by Latamways

Latamways Presents at UTN San Francisco Science and Technology Conference: A Focus on Innovation, Knowledge Economy, and Career Opportunities

The Science and Technology Conference took place on September 13th and 14th in San Francisco, Córdoba and Agustina Pioli, Partner and CSO, and Cruz López, head of Talents, represented Latamways. Two days of engaging discussions, learning opportunities, and valuable exchanges that centered around the future of technology and the career prospects for engineering students within the translation sector.

Agustina and Cruz focused on the knowledge-based economy law designed to stimulate technology investment, job creation, and the development of digital competencies in our country. They delved into the critical aspects of this law and its implications for the translation and localization industry. Their analysis spotlighted how this legislation is catalyzing innovation and opening up fresh avenues for knowledge-based service providers and professionals in Argentina. They also acknowledged the efforts of non-profit organizations such as Translated in Argentina, which has been promoting the translation industry both nationally and internationally for over 15 years.

The other core theme was the translation industry itself and the myriad career opportunities it offers to engineers from diverse backgrounds. They discussed how their valuable technical skills and ongoing education are fundamental in capitalizing on opportunities within this dynamically evolving sector. The questions raised by the audience following the presentation sparked a very enriching discussion for all.

We are very grateful to the organizers, especially Diego Ferreyra, for the invitation. The event was well-orchestrated and provided an invaluable forum for sharing ideas and building networks. Thanks to hybrid streaming via YouTube, a global audience was able to participate in the conversations, contributing a multitude of perspectives.

To revisit our presentation, go to (UTN San Francisco YouTube page). For more information about our translation and localization services, just visit or contact us at

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5 Steps to Level Up Your MTPE Workflow

Published on August 15, 2024, by Latamways

Latamways | 5 Steps to Level Up Your MTPE Workflow

Machine translation (MT) has become a game-changer in the translation industry, but raw MT output often requires human intervention to ensure accuracy and fluency. This is where MT post-editing (MTPE) comes in. But how can you streamline your MTPE workflow and maximize your productivity?

Here are 5 steps to get you started:

1. Choose the right MT engine: Not all MT engines are created equal. Consider factors like the specific language pair you’re working with, the domain of the text (technical, legal, etc.), and the quality of the engine’s output. Researching and testing different engines can make a big difference in the amount of post-editing required.

2. Leverage translation memory (TM) and glossaries: Integration with TM tools allow you to reuse previously translated segments, saving you time and effort. Glossaries ensure consistency in terminology across your projects. Utilize these tools to pre-populate your MTPE environment for a smoother workflow.

3. Prioritize quality checks: Utilize features like fuzzy matching in your TM to identify similar segments for reference. Double-check terminology against term base, and ensure the final output reads naturally to deliver exceptional quality.

4. Master MTPE tools: Many CAT tools offer functionalities specifically designed for MTPE. Learn to leverage features like segment break prediction, terminology suggestion, and one-click fixes for common MT errors. These tools can significantly speed up your editing process.

5. Embrace continuous learning: The world of MT is constantly evolving. Stay updated on the latest advancements in MT engines, AI and best practices in MTPE. Participate in online forums, events or training courses to refine your skills and stay ahead of the curve.

Machine Translation Post-Editing is a unique blend of art and science. By combining human expertise with the power of technology, you can achieve remarkable results.

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Humans, Machines, and the Power of Collaboration

Published on June 25, 2024, by Latamways

Latamways | Humans, Machines, and the Power of Collaboration

The world of translation is undergoing a fascinating transformation. Machine translation engines (MT) powered by AI are becoming increasingly sophisticated. But fear not, human translators! The reality is, each method has its strength, it’s not as simple as black and white.

Choosing the right approach can significantly impact the outcome of your project, and how do you determine which approach is best for your needs? Let’s explore the range of possibilities:

The first thing to be considered is the complexity of the content. For niche content, legal documents, or creative marketing, human translation may be the ideal choice. This option is more suitable when meticulous attention to detail and linguistic finesse are required.

AI, however, can provide rapid translations for high-volume projects with limited budgets. While MT excels at processing large volumes of text and identifying core meaning, it often struggles with complexities like cultural nuances, industry-specific jargon, and maintaining a consistent tone of voice. This is where the expertise of a human editor, or machine translation post-editor (MTPE), comes in.

Post-editors are the secret weapon of the translation industry. They elevate the raw MT output refining the language, ensuring accuracy, fluency, and cultural appropriateness.

We believe that the future of translation lies in embracing a hybrid model that combines the strengths of both AI and human translation. By leveraging technology for efficiency and harnessing human expertise for quality, you can achieve unparalleled results that resonate with your global audience.

Ready to Learn More?
We’ve helped countless clients implement outstanding solutions with post-edited translations. Contact us today to learn how our post-editors can bridge the language gap for your business.

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E-Learning: Top 5 Must-Translate Content

Published on May 14, 2024, by Latamways

E-Learning: Top 5 Must-Translate Content

In today’s interconnected and technological world, eLearning has emerged as a powerful tool to educate and train audiences worldwide. As businesses and educational institutions increasingly embrace eLearning platforms to reach diverse audiences, the need for effective translation becomes paramount. Here are the top 5 types of eLearning content that benefit most from translation:

  • Online Courses | From corporate training modules to academic programs, translating online courses enables global learners to access educational content in their native languages.
  • Training Videos | Video-based learning is increasingly popular in eLearning. Translating training videos guarantees that learners can follow instructions, understand concepts, and engage with the material more effectively.
  • Interactive Assessments | Quizzes, tests, and interactive exercises are essential components of eLearning. Translating these assessments allows students to demonstrate their understanding in their preferred language.
  • Audio Narrations | Many eLearning modules include audio narrations and captions to guide learners through the material. Translating them ensures that trainees can fully get involved with the content.
  • Digital Resources | This includes e-books, PDFs, infographics, and other downloadable materials. Translating these resources enhances their accessibility for a global audience.

* Bonus Track | User Interface (UI) Text: From menus to error messages, a localized UI ensures a smooth and intuitive learning experience for all users.

As you consider translating your eLearning materials, keep in mind that through translation, you empower individuals around the world to access knowledge, acquire new skills, and ultimately, achieve their goals.

Connect with us today to learn how Latamways can help you with eLearning translation services tailored to your specific needs, ensuring your message resonates with learners everywhere.

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Empowering Communities: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility

Published on April 3, 2024, by Latamways

Empowering Communities: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility

Humanitarian commitment and corporate social responsibility not only positively impact local and global communities, but also enhance the reputation and purpose of companies.

Community participation | Volunteering offers a unique opportunity for businesses to make a tangible difference to people’s lives and build strong relationships with their local communities.

At Latamways, we regularly dedicate time to volunteering at industry associations as well as institutions and events. By volunteering, we educate people and make our industry more visible and motivate young people to pursue careers in language and technology.

➜ Event sponsorship | Sponsoring events is another effective way companies can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility. Partnering with nonprofit organizations and supporting various initiatives allow companies to amplify their impact.

We are proud to have sponsored major events in our industry, especially at local level such as CLINT, and to be members of pioneering organizations such as Translated in Argentina, Rotary International and Women in Localization

➜ Support for causes related to the industry | It is essential that companies look for ways to contribute positively to the areas in which they operate.

Latamways collaborates with organizations involved in diverse efforts to advance our industry. This year we were part of Translated’s Research Center, imminent, which gathered AI experts and localization veterans in Uruguay to discuss the challenges of languages in Latin America and artificial intelligence. We were also an active participant of a trade mission to the UAE organized by Glocal International which reinforces our commitment to the sustainability of our industry.

By focusing on our humanitarian commitment and corporate social responsibility, we not only contribute to making the world a better place, but we also strengthen our connection with society and the impact we generate on it. 

#Impact #HumanitarianCommitment #CorporateSocialResponsibility #Positivechange #TeamLatamways #Latamways

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Latamways & Translation Excellence

Published on March 25, 2024, by Latamways

Latamways & Translation Excellence

In this edition, we’re delving into the technological marvels and standards propelling us towards excellence in the translation industry. Here’s a glimpse of what is shaping our services:

  • Advanced Translation Tools to streamline workflows and improve accuracy. From CAT tools to terminology management systems and AI-powered tools, we employ innovative technologies to optimize processes.
  • Artificial Intelligence powered solutions to automate tasks, improve quality, and speed up turnaround times. Latamways embraces emerging technologies to adapt to client needs and stay ahead.

  • Certifications, including ISO and women-owned business, validate our commitment not only to diversity, inclusion, and gender equality, but also reinforces our commitment to professionalism and client satisfaction.

Through the utilization of advanced translation tools and AI-powered solutions, we can deliver unparalleled efficiency. Our certifications underscore our commitment to professionalism and client satisfaction. At Latamways, we’re not just keeping pace with change—we’re setting the standard for translation excellence.

#Translation #AI #Technology #TeamLatamways #Latamways

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Humans and AI: The challenges of languages for south America
Punta del Este, February 15-17, 2024

Published on February 27, 2024, by Latamways

Humans and AI: The challenges of languages for south America

The unconference in Punta del Este organized by Translated‘s Research Center, imminent, was the perfect opportunity to bring together senior people in translation, localization and artificial intelligence. During this third edition, the focus was on the challenges of languages in Latin America, humans in the future of translation and humans and AI.

The unconference generated valuable insights and takeaways:

Understanding Language Preferences & Context is Fundamental

Recognizing the language preferences, understanding the target country’s culture and social factors is crucial for effective communication and market success. Languages facilitate communication, but it is the cultural nuances that truly connect people.

Human Depth vs. Machine Understanding

While machines can generate understandable words, they lack the depth of human understanding. Translators transition from content creators to reviewers of machine-generated translations. Humans play a crucial role in enhancing the output of AI, revolutionizing content creation while preserving cultural identities.

Changing Dynamics in Translation Costs

Predictions suggest that translation costs for some languages may approach zero with sufficient data availability.

Empowering Young Individuals with Technology

Young individuals should leverage technology for their advantage, but there is a gap between university education and industry needs.

Rebranding and Education

The language industry was the first to adopt AI and now has an opportunity to rebrand and educate stakeholders about the use and reach of AI, following advocacy efforts for language inclusion.

Thriving in a Changing Landscape

Thriving in the changing landscape involves anticipating AI growth, identifying emerging needs, investing in training, upskilling, and understanding the pivotal role of data in the future of translation. Academia needs to align with market demands to prepare future linguists for evolving roles in the industry. The localization industry faces the challenge of preparing for the next billion users entering the digital realm.

Inclusive Considerations

Inclusion extends beyond linguistic diversity; genuine inclusivity involves considerations for the blind, hard of hearing, and other diverse groups.

The unconference highlighted the interplay between humans and AI, addressed the misconception among business people that open AI (such as ChatGPT) can solve their language problems faster and in a more cost-effective way, emphasizing the need for adaptability and strategic foresight in navigating the evolving landscape of language and technology.

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Latamways dice presente en las Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología en la UTN de San Francisco

Published on September 27, 2023, by Latamways

Latamways Presents at UTN San Francisco Science and Technology Conference: A Focus on Innovation, Knowledge Economy, and Career Opportunities

En Latamways, estamos comprometidos con la innovación y el avance tecnológico. Es por eso que nos entusiasma compartir nuestra reciente participación en las Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología que tuvieron lugar los días 13 y 14 de septiembre en San Francisco, Córdoba. Agustina Pioli, una de las socias y parte del equipo de ventas, y Cruz López, directora del Departamento de Talents, viajaron hasta allá para realizar una presentación en la UTN de San Francisco. Estos dos días estuvieron llenos de debates, aprendizaje y un intercambio valioso sobre el futuro de la tecnología y las posibilidades laborales de los estudiantes de las carreras de ingeniería en el sector de la traducción.

Uno de los ejes centrales de la presentación en estas jornadas fue la Ley de Economía del Conocimiento, una legislación que promueve la inversión en tecnología, la generación de empleo y el desarrollo de habilidades digitales en el país. En nuestra charla, profundizamos en los aspectos clave de esta ley y su impacto en la industria de la traducción y localización. Analizamos cómo esta legislación está impulsando la innovación y proporcionando nuevas oportunidades para las empresas y los profesionales de los servicios basados en el conocimiento en Argentina. Además mencionamos a asociaciones sin fines de lucro, como es el caso de Translated in Argentina, la cual trabaja incansablemente desde hace más de 15 años para promover nuestro sector a nivel nacional e internacional.

El otro eje fue qué es la industria de la traducción y qué salidas laborales existen en nuestro sector para ingenieros de diversas ramas. Charlamos cómo las valiosas habilidades técnicas con las que cuentan y la capacitación continua son esenciales para aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades en esta industria en constante evolución. Finalizada nuestra charla, las preguntas del público incitaron a un debate enriquecedor, tanto para la audiencia, como para nosotras.

Queremos expresar nuestro sincero agradecimiento a los organizadores, especialmente a Diego Ferreyra por la invitación. Fue un evento excepcionalmente bien organizado que proporcionó un espacio valioso para el intercambio de ideas y la construcción de redes. La transmisión híbrida a través de YouTube permitió que una audiencia global se uniera a las conversaciones y contribuyera a la diversidad de perspectivas. 

En Latamways, estamos emocionados por el futuro de nuestro sector y la economía del conocimiento en Argentina. Creemos que esta es una época emocionante para ser parte de esta industria en constante crecimiento. Seguiremos comprometidos en apoyar la innovación, la capacitación y el desarrollo de habilidades en este emocionante campo.

Esperamos con entusiasmo futuras oportunidades de colaboración y aprendizaje en este apasionante viaje hacia un futuro más brillante para ambos sectores.

Para volver a ver esta presentación o disfrutar de todas las charlas de ambos días, se puede visitar la página de YouTube de la UTN de San Francisco. Si desean obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios de traducción y localización, no duden en ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Será un placer ayudar.

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#CLINT2023: A Journey of Connection and Learning

Published on September 12, 2023, by Latamways

#CLINT2023: A Journey of Connection and Learning

On September 1st and 2nd, Cordoba became the epicenter of knowledge, innovation, and networking once again as it hosted the fourth edition of the Translation Industry Conference in Latin America (CLINT2023).

This edition marks the first one since the pandemic. Hugs, smiles, and warm welcomes took center stage. The positive and camaraderie-filled atmosphere that characterizes every CLINT event was still intact.

A quick look at past CLINT programs shows that the content has evolved alongside our society, technology, and the translation industry in general. In this edition, we explored the challenges posed by AI in our field and shared insights on the factors that will contribute to improve processes and our work in general, among other topics. Throughout the entire conference, the focus was on promoting the uniqueness that is inherent to the human condition, which makes us irreplaceable.

We also discussed the more human aspect of our work, soft skills, the importance of self-care, accessibility as a service, teamwork, effective communication, marketing, and quality. The keynote speaker, Gerry Garbulsky, delivered a fun and memorable talk about the 5 superpowers for lifelong learning.

CLINT2023For the first time, CLINT2023 offered a job fair, which added a unique dynamic with a lot of interaction where even sponsors participated and were open to exchanging ideas and advice.

CLINT2023, besides showcasing the most advanced developments in our industry in Argentina and Latin America, is the ideal space for building relationships, acquiring fresh concepts, and renewing our commitment to this fascinating industry.

This conference left everyone with a wealth of knowledge and a wide variety of new “ikigais,” as Arancha Caballero put it. Our backpacks were filled with souvenirs exchanged with colleagues, linguistic and technological novelties, but above all, they were filled with inspiring and pioneering ideas.

Thanks again TinA (Translated in Argentina) for bringing together academia, experts, independent professionals, and companies. We look forward to the fifth edition in 2025, which will surely continue to surprise us.

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Challenges and Shifts in Localization Project Management PMs

Published on January 6, 2022, by Latamways

Challenges and Shifts in Localization Project Management

Latamways is a women-owned and ISO certified translation business that helps companies communicate with their Spanish and Portuguese speaking consumers in the Americas.

Our vision is to be a leader in the language services industry in Latin America and to experience constant growth through innovation, active industry collaboration and the promotion of our clients and coworkers’ potential.

In order to comply with this vision, Latamways participates in industry events not only as participants, but also as speakers and even, many times, behind the scenes. One of the last events we participated in last year was ELIA Focus on Project Management. This event has become a go-to source of information and training for our Project and Account Management team since the conference always provides relevant industry data, food for thought and amazing connections.

The conference addressed the challenges PMs face with the implementation of new technologies and the shift in customer needs, the client-PM relationship and how to develop new skills and metrics to always consider client needs and values when communicating with them, as well as growth and automation tips while being sustainable.

Our selection of takeaways is:

Photo Credit: Screenshot ELIA Focus PM
  • The PM role has changed from a transactional role to an expert role (from a language supplier to a knowledge provider). Buyers of localization want peace of mind, support and knowledge.
  • Technology is our ally. Humans are adaptive (ethical decision making), can mitigate risks and create solutions. In the end, systems imitate human behavior.
  • Challenges such as improved client experience, new workflows and faster TATs, and the automation of tasks can be tackled with innovation, flexibility, transparency and communication (communicator and listener, enabler and facilitator).
  • Companies that lead in AI will lead the future.
  • It’s time to STOP thinking “It’s always been this way” and think how to INNOVATE. Be strategic, add value, be creative and push for best practices.

AI is accelerating so fast that it is rapidly changing the future of business. Automation is an inevitable tool to help us all in the process. But HUMANS are, and always will be, the drivers and “brains” of this change. We need to find the perfect balance between automation and the “human touch” to excel in our job.

The ALC Unconference is next. Will share our takeaways next month.

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