If we say that the only constant is change, we could also say that this is not a judgment, nor an interpretation. Change may not be the only thing, but what we cannot deny is that it is something constant. And in that permanence of recurring change in every process, the opportunity to change positions appeared.
After six and a half years, I was going to move from the Operations Department to Business Development or, more specifically, Account Management. Changing my position, this time, would involve much more than a simple change in my signature.
This change brought drastic modifications: transformation of paradigms, variation of structures, habits, and with all that, the fear of the unknown. The internal uproar typical of change was what I expected and even manageable at the time. What disturbed me was the feeling of “not knowing” what this role was really about and how I would perform.
After this (necessary) period of uncertainty, panic and self-boycotting, I found myself happy and renewed. Like someone who unlocks a new level in video games, I felt that I was venturing into an interesting and challenging stage.
My focus shifted from the specifics of a project to client turnover. I was working on proposals and loyalty campaigns, rather than on linguistic quality. I improved my grammar and writing skills. I became better at analyzing reports and took advantage of my organizational and planning skills. I stopped worrying about deadlines, difficult assignments, and even last-minute changes.
Now I was dealing with the client, instead of the project. Learning a new job is always a challenge, and I enjoy it more and more every day. By establishing myself in the position, I was able to strengthen my interpersonal skills. As Project Manager, I had to respond to each email in a timely manner and there is often no place for the necessary pause that allows us to create a substantial and effective message. As an Account Manager, having the time to follow up on a communication process from beginning to end, taking the time to polish an email and talk to the people we work with daily has been truly satisfactory.
After almost a year as an Account Manager, I have to say that I appreciate every minute worked in my previous position. I wouldn’t have the tools I have today if I hadn’t spent almost seven years in the Operations Department. Although the change had an impact on the way I had done my job for years, having trained as a Project Manager taught me three basic pillars: the importance of the client, your word and relationships.