The most recent LocWorld conference took place in Tokyo on April 3-5. The focus was digital transformation and how to deal with the results and challenges brought by our digitalized world. Speakers at the conference included representatives from Adobe Systems, Airbnb, Alibaba, Google, IBM, IKEA, NetApp, Netflix, and many others.
LocWorld conferences are known for creating a unique opportunity to share the floor with thought leaders, become aware of latest trends, and connect with people from all sorts of companies with all sorts of needs and from all over the world who want to do business with you. We attended several LocWorld conferences, but none like the one in Tokyo. Our booth was always busy! People were interested in learning how to enter the Latin American market and in how we could help them by means of our consulting and communication services.
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The experience was super positive despite some problems with our luggage – the airline lost our booth banners and backdrop. As soon as we arrived for the exhibitor’s meeting we talked to Miyuki Mori, who was in charge of the floor (we work together at Women in Localization). As soon as she found out what had happened, she took control and within 5 hours our booth was perfectly set up and ready for the big day.
As usual, we enjoy the social networking events, especially those that offer a true regional experience. Meeting new people is always great but reconnecting with long-time industry friends is even better. It’s amazing how one can build these relationships by seeing some people only once a year.
After the conference, we attended smartcat partner day and we were extremely surprised to see so many companies that didn’t even know what had happened the day before (meaning, LocWorld Conference). Mainly marketing companies and current users of the platform were there. It was interesting to learn more about the platform, why these companies choose it and what they consider important service-wise. The networking is always a plus. We met a couple of amazing ladies from London and had the pleasure to share more than one conversation with them. We ended up connecting them to Miyuki in Japan for a job after we learnt they were struggling to find someone there to take care of their clients. Once again, the power of relationships…
Here is a summary of what happened in Twitter during #LocWorld36.
About Latamways
Latamways, a company dedicated to help clients enter the Latin American market, exhibited at the LocWorld36 Tokyo conference in Booth 113. The conference, produced by MultiLingual Computing, Inc. and The Localization Institute, was held on April 3-5 at the Tokyo Bay Hilton.
Latamways provides a wide range of quality language-related services to clients around the world by delivering customized solutions that enable their business goals. Our consultative approach along with our agility, scalability, and adaptability makes us a valued strategic partner that you can rely on for your entire project. With more than 20 years of proven experience in the Latin American market, we have garnered recognition from clients around the globe.